People that we care for can suffer from other health conditions, such as addiction to drugs and alcohol. That is why, if you are in one of our hospitals we will provide you, and those close to use, with information and support to help you stop or cut down.
Drugs and alcohol carers, family and friends leaflet (PDF)
Drugs and alcohol service users leaflet (PDF)
Our community drug and alcohol services are delivered through GP surgeries, outpatient teams and specialist support clinics such as local needle exchanges
To find out more about our services visit our service finder
Visit smokefree to find out about the support we offer to patients who smoke.
Harm reduction advice
To avoid the health risks associated with taking drugs, it is safer not to inject or to use alternative methods of taking drugs. However, some people are not in this position so the following topics are important:
- The supply of Naloxone to the risk of reduce drug related deaths
- Overdose awareness advice
- Access to Hepatitis and HIV testing
- Access to Hepatitis A/B inoculation
- Provision of a range of sterile injecting equipment and paraphernalia
- Provision of safer injecting information and other health promotion information
- Sexual health information and condoms as some blood borne viruses can also be transmitted to sexual partners
More information
- London's only LGBT Drug and Alcohol Service
- Drugscope
- National Needle Exchange Forum
- UK Harm Reduction Alliance
- National Conference on Injecting Drug Use (NCIDU)
- Irish Needle Exchange Forum
- Scottish Drugs Forum
- NICE - Needle Exchange Guidelines
- Injecting Advice
- KFx
- Wales Needle Exchange Forum
- DAN 24/7
- Injecting anabolic steroids advice
- Exchange supplies
- Terrance Higgins Trust
- Hep C Trust