The CAMHS Mentoring Project matches volunteers on a one-to-one basis with a child or young person currently using one of our services. The pair meet regularly to access community activities together and build a relationship. Volunteer mentors are someone the service user can have fun with, try new things with, and talk to for informal pastoral support.
Southwark, Lambeth, Lewisham and Croydon. We will only consider applications from individuals living in, or close, to these boroughs.
Two hours per week. Mentoring can take place late afternoon/evening and at the weekend for flexibility around full time education and work.
Nine months.
Age requirement
19 to 25 years old.
Role description
Please download the CAMHS Mentor applicant pack for full information about the role, expectations and process.
CAMHS Mentor applicant pack (PDF)
Application form
If you have any questions you can contact Sinead, the CAMHS Mentor Volunteer Coordinator, via
Other roles
If you are over 25, please get in touch with Isobel Mdudu via or 020 3228 3978 to find out more about our Community Befriender roles supporting adult service users. We currently cannot facilitate volunteering within CAMHS inpatient settings.
Accessing mentoring
If you are a service user interested in being supported by a mentor, please talk to someone in your CAMHS team who can explore this with you.