We provide a wide range of clinical services for people with mental health and/or substance misuse problems. In this part of our website you can find a summary of some of these services.
Community mental health team
A Community Mental Health Team, also known as a CMHT, is made up of a team of people from different health and social care professions. They work in your community to help you to recover from, and cope with, a mental health problem.
Early intervention
Early intervention is about providing support for people experiencing the early signs of a serious mental health problem, particularly those having the unusual experiences associated with psychosis (see Me and My Mind)
Mental health support, including talking therapy, can decrease the risk of developing a more serious mental health problem, and improve well-being and quality of life.
Home treatment
Home treatment is a way of helping people at home rather than in hospital. This can help to avoid the stress, anxiety and upheaval that can happen with a hospital admission. This can include daily or twice daily visits, and help with medication and sorting out practical matters such as accommodation and shopping.
Visit our hospital care patient information to find out more about what happens when you are admitted to hospital, during your hospital stay and where you are discharged.
Forensic services
These services are for people who may pose a risk to others and who may have been involved in the criminal justice system. Patients may come from prison or general psychiatric services where there are concerns about the risk they may pose.
Medium secure units
Medium secure units, also known as MSUs, provide hospital care for people with complex mental health problems who may have become involved in the criminal justice system.
Part of the process of helping people to recover from their mental illness is to provide them with leave from hospital. Patients are only granted leave from MSUs once they have begun to respond well to treatment, and only after a detailed assessment has been undertaken by the doctors and nurses responsible for their care.
Memory clinic and service
These services assess people with memory problems so that we can detect if they have the symptoms of dementia. Early diagnosis enables people to take advantage of new treatments to slow the onset of the condition, to plan their care and maintain a higher quality of life.
An outpatient is someone who comes to hospital for an appointment to see a doctor, nurse, social worker or psychologist.
Art therapies
Feelings can often be easier to identify and express with imagination and creativity rather than thinking and talking.
Art therapy aims to help people understand their feelings using art, and to change how they relate to themselves, and others.
Music therapists, drama therapists and dance and movement therapists work in a similar way.