Safeguarding adults and children means helping adults at risk and children live free from abuse and neglect. Children may be at risk of neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Adults at risk are people who are vulnerable because of their mental health, physical disability, age or illness and have care and support needs. They may find it difficult to protect themselves from abuse because of their care and support needs.
We are committed to promoting the welfare and wellbeing of children, young people and adults at risk. All employees have a duty to be alert to potential safeguarding concerns in children and adults. All staff are expected to be aware of and implement our safeguarding policies and procedures and work in partnership with other agencies to help safeguard those at risk.
Safeguarding contacts
The Trust has a Safeguarding Adults Lead and a Named Nurse for Safeguarding Children. In addition, the Trust has a Named Doctor for Safeguarding Children. There are safeguarding children and adult leads in each borough who provide local support to clinicians and work closely with each local authority.
The executive lead for safeguarding is the Trust's Chief Nurse. We have representation at local safeguarding boards for both adults and children.
For concerns about an adult who you think may be at risk of abuse or neglect please contact their community team or local Adult Social Care Services:
- Lambeth: 020 7926 5555
- Southwark: 020 7525 0088
- Croydon: 020 8726 6500
- Lewisham: 020 8314 7777
- Bromley: 020 8461 7777
For concerns about a child who you think may be at risk of harm from abuse or neglect please contact local Children’s Social Services:
- Lambeth: 020 7926 5555
- Southwark: 020 7525 1921
- Lewisham: 020 8314 6660
- Croydon: 020 8726 6400
- Bromley: 020 8461 7373
If you are concerned that a child or adult is at immediate risk of significant harm contact the police on 999.