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Advance statement project - Phase 2

Advance Statements for Black African and Caribbean People: Phase 2a Consensus vote on recommendations

The Advance Statements Project is a research project on getting advance statements to work for Black African and Caribbean service users who have previously been detained under the Mental Health Act, their carers, and mental health staff. We aim to work directly with these groups to create a process of completing and using advance statements that is acceptable and workable for all service users, their carers, and mental health staff.

An advance statement is a document that allows a service user to have a say in how they wish to be treated in the future if they become unwell or experience a crisis and are made with the help of family/friends, mental health professionals (i.e. your doctor, care coordinator or community mental health team), and people independent of your care (i.e., a general advocate, Independent Mental Health Advocate, or Independent Mental Capacity Advocate).

We now require service users, carers and staff to help us with the next phase where the recommendations and advice from Black service users, carers/supporters and Trust staff who participated in the workshops in Phase 1 will be voted on. During this time service users, carers/supporters and staff will vote on the best recommendations and these will be used for the Phase 2b co-production workshops.

When: 26th May 2022 – 2pm to 3.30pm

Where: ORTUS, 82-96 Grove Lane, London, SE5 8SN

Compensation £50 Voucher for service users and carers/supporters that take part

Are you interested? To confirm your attendance or if you have any questions, email:



We are holding a series of workshops and are encouraging service users, carers and mental health staff to take part. Participants (service users or carers) will receive a £15 voucher for taking part. You can take part if you are:

  • A service user aged 16 or over who has been previously detained under the Mental Health Act and identify as being Black British, Black African, Black Caribbean heritage or mixed heritage.
  • A carer/informal supporter of someone who is of Black British, Black African, Black Caribbean or mixed heritage.
  • A professional/staff member who is likely to be involved in the advance statements process i.e., mental health professional, advocate, peer worker, support worker, an Approved Mental Health Professional, a General Practitioner, or a Section 12 approved doctor.

Staff workshops

  • Thursday 14th April: 11am to 1pm (online)

Service user & Carer/Supporter workshops 

£15 voucher included for attending:

  • Tuesday 12th April: 2.30pm to 5pm (in-person)
  • Wednesday 4th May: 5.30pm to 8pm (online)
  • Thursday 12th May: 5.30pm to 7.30pm (online)

For more information about the project or to register your interest in taking part in a workshop, please email Abigail Babatunde, Research Associate, via

Strategy in Action Event, Tuesday 6 June 2023

Following over 1,700 interactions with staff, service users, carers, partners, families and community organisations - we launched our new strategy ‘Aiming High; Changing Lives, 2021-2026’. 

We made a commitment to hold regular events every six months, led by our Chair and Chief Executive, to continue talking and acting on how we are making progress to achieve our five Strategic Ambitions:

  • Building a culture of trust together 
  • Outstanding mental health care
  • A catalyst for change 
  • Partner in prevention 
  • Towards an effective and sustainable organisation

You're invited to join us at our latest 'Strategy in Action' event on Tuesday 6 June 2023 , which will update you on our progress so far in delivering our strategy Aiming High; Changing Lives , and how we're working to improve the lives of those we care for and our wider community. For more information, see our press release. 

#HelpShapeOurStrategy #PartnershipEvents

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