Urgent help
If you need urgent help please call 0800 731 2864 (Option 1) 24 hours a day, to speak to our mental health crisis line. More information about the support we offer can be found on our crisis support page.
Advice and information
You can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0800 731 2864 (Option 2) for advice and information and to raise a concern or complaint.
Freedom of Information and personal information
To make a Freedom of Information request or to access health records and other personal information, please see our Freedom of Information page.
If you've not been able to find the appropriate contact details, or wish to contact us my email, please complete one of the following contact forms. We will work to get you to the right team or service to help you answer your query.
Get in touch
South London and Maudsley's PALS team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
You can contact the team via any of the following ways:
- Freephone 0800 731 2864 (Option 2)
- Email us via pals@slam.nhs.uk
- Complete the contact form below
By completing this form you agree to us using your data as set out in our website privacy policy
General enquiries
For general enquiries please complete the form below or call us on 020 3228 6000.
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Suggestions, compliments and complaints
Before making a complaint please read through all of the guidance in our complaints section of the website.
You can make a complaint, or raise a concern, by completing the form below or calling us on 0800 731 2864.
By completing this form you agree to us using your data as set our in our website privacy policy
To find out about the research we undertake and how you can get involved please see our research section.
Find out more
If you haven't found the information you are looking for please get in touch by completing the form below.
By completing this form you agree to us using your data as set our in our website privacy policy
For information about how you can support us and have a say in our future have a look in our membership section.
Find out more
If you haven't found the information you are looking for please get in touch by completing the form below.
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Jobs and recruitment
For information about working with us, our current vaccancies and the opportunities we offer please see our careers section.
If you haven't found the information you are looking for please get in touch by completing the form below.
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Comments about this website
We would love to know what you think of our website. We are always looking to make improvements, so if you have spotted a mistake, a broken link or have something to say about the design, please get in touch.
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