Please tell a member of staff if you have concerns about your treatment and care, or that of someone close to you.
If you prefer, you can contact the trust Patient advice and liaison service, or submit a formal complaint
If you disagree with how we are using the Mental Health Act, you can appeal.
You can also complain to the Care Quality Commission about how we are using the Mental Health Act. They are responsible for monitoring how NHS trusts use the act.
Anyone under section can get free, independent and confidential support from an independent mental health advocate
You and those close to you can raise questions, concerns and complaints about your treatment and care while you are under section.
If you disagree with the conditions of your section or community treatment order, or you want it to end, you or your nearest relative can appeal to either of these two groups:
Mental health tribunal
An independent legal group who hears from you, your responsible clinician and your care coordinator at a meeting called a hearing.
Write to the Mental Health Act office at your current hospital, or the one you were discharged from, to start an appeal.
Associate hospital managers
A group that runs similar meetings to the Mental Health Tribunal. The official name for them under the Mental Health Act is hospital managers. We call them associate hospital managers to avoid confusion with other managers.
To start an appeal, email or write to:
Associate Hospital Managers
Mental Health Act Office
Maudsley Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 8AZ
Getting help with an appeal
Your care co-ordinator can help you appeal - or your solicitor, if you have one. You can download our solicitor list below:
Mental Health Act Solicitors List (PDF)
If you go to a tribunal and a solicitor puts your case you can usually get free legal help (Legal Aid).
You can also get free, independent and confidential help from an independent mental health advocate
You can bring someone with you to hearings for support, such as a carer, friend or family member, however they are not allowed to speak on your behalf and the appeal panel needs to know in advance.