Jane Howard
Speech and Language Therapist
I have worked in the NHS, private sector, education and health with people who have learning disabilities including parents for over 25 years. Beginning as a Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) volunteer, then an SLT Assistant also working as a support worker and finally training to become an SLT. I am a qualified Makaton Regional Tutor.
My training style is person centered, interactive and collaborative. Communication is intrinsic to who we are as social human beings. Exchanging information and ideas, telling jokes, sharing stories with others is all made possible through communication. My approach to teaching and supporting people with learning disabilities is strongly influenced by Valuing People and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states everyone has a “right to freedom of opinion and expression” implying that all people have the right to be able to communicate. Everyone has the potential to communicate however the ability to communicate is dependent on whether your mode of communication is accepted and supported. In a safe and supportive training environment I like to explore how our own communication style can both positively and negatively impact on our interactions with clients. I aspire to nurture and promote skills within participants to enable them to be the best communication partner they can be.