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Photo of Dr Jonathan Campion

Dr Jonathan Campion

Job title Director for Public Mental Health and Consultant Psychiatrist


Jonathan is Director for Public Mental Health and Consultant Psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Strategic and Clinical Codirector of the Public Mental Health Implementation Centre at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Chair of the Public Mental Health Working Group at the World Psychiatric Association, Public Mental Health Advisor to WHO Europe and Honorary Professor of Public Mental Health at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is involved in the development and implementation of local, national and international public mental health strategy. 

Between 2005 and 2011, Jonathan worked as Policy Advisor to the Department of Health. As evidence lead for public mental health between 2008 and 2011, this work involved bringing together the evidence base for determinants of mental disorder and mental wellbeing as well as evidence base for interventions to treat mental disorder, prevent associated impacts, prevent mental disorder from arising and promote mental wellbeing. He incorporated this work into two cross government mental health strategies, a public mental health strategy and a public health white paper. He represented the Department of Health on a European Union Joint Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing (EU 2015, 2016 and 2017). As Chair of the Public Mental Health Working Group for the World Psychiatric Association, Jonathan has supported the public mental health focus of the WPA 2020-21 Action Plan.   

Part of Jonathan's work includes improving implementation of public mental health interventions and in 2012, he wrote public mental health commissioning guidance for the RCPsych/RCGP led Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health (JCPMH) which he then worked with regions to implement. He further developed this work by identifying all publically available mental health intelligence and designing appropriate representation. Together with locally provided data, this provided comprehensive assessment of unmet need for treatment of mental disorder, prevention of mental disorder and promotion of mental wellbeing as well as impacts and associated economic savings of improved intervention coverage to support local commissioning and strategic development. This work provided mental health needs assessments to regions in England covering several million people. In 2019, he published ‘Public Mental Health: Evidence, practice and commissioning’ to further support improved implementation.

At the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Jonathan was lead author of a position statement on public mental health (RCPsych, 2010) and contributed to a report on parity of esteem (RCPsych, 2013). He contributed to a Joint Royal College of Physicians and Psychiatrists report on smoking and mental health (RCP/RCPsych, 2013), NICE guidance on smoking cessation in secondary care (NICE, 2013), PHE guidance for implementation of smoke-free mental health services (PHE, 2016), and wrote guidance on smoking and mental health for primary care (Campion et al, 2014) and pharmacists (Campion et al, 2017). Other work he has contributed to include a UCL Institute of Health Equity report on the role of health professionals in working for health equity (Allen et al, 2013) and a report on the social determinants of mental health (WHO, 2014). 

Jonathan teaches on public mental health to a range of groups including public health and mental health professionals, trainees, masters students and commissioners. In 2020, he published an online public mental health training module coproduced with the MindEd Consortium and Health Education England. He has run successful public mental health courses including with the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health and Thai Department of Mental Health which supported further associated policy development.

Jonathan initially worked as a GP and spent time working in remote parts of Australia with mainly Aboriginal populations with high levels of mental illness, substance misuse and alcohol problems. During this time, he was struck by the significant mental health component which underpinned many other aspects of this work and subsequently completed further psychiatry training. While working with disadvantaged communities in Australia, he became interested in sustainable strategies to prevent mental disorder and promote mental wellbeing. He has maintained links with the Royal College of General Practitioners and contributed to various articles including a number of primary care briefings covering smoking cessation, physical health and debt for people with mental disorder.


Campion J, Javed A, Saxena S, Sharan P (2022) Public mental health: An opportunity to address implementation failure. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 64(2):113-116.

Campion J, Javed A, Lund C, Sartorius N, Saxena S, Marmot M, Allan J, Udomratn P (2022) Public mental health: required actions to address implementation failure in the context of COVID-19. Lancet Psychiatry 9(2):169-182.

Campion J, Javed A, Marmot M, Valsraj K (2020) The need for a public mental health approach to COVID-19. World Social Psychiatry 2:77-83.

Campion J (2020) Public mental health briefing on COVID-19. Geneva: World Psychiatric Association.

Campion J, Javed A, Sartorius N, Marmot M (2020) Addressing the public mental health challenge of COVID-19. Lancet Psychiatry 7(8):P657-659.

Campion J (2020) Public mental health. MindEd e-Learning Programme (469-0001). DH e-Learning for Healthcare.

Campion J, Javed A, Vaishnav M, Marmot M (2020) Public mental health and associated opportunities. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 62(1):3-6

Campion J (2019) Public mental health: Evidence, practice and commissioning. Royal Society for Public Health.

Campion J, Taylor JM, McDaid D, Park A-L, Shiers D (2019) Applying economic models to estimate local economic benefits of improved coverage of early interventions for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 3(6):1424-1430

Campion J (2019) Public mental health. In: Javed A, Fountoulakis K (eds) Advances in Psychiatry. Springer, Cham.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70554-5_31

Campion J (2018) Public mental health. In Handbook of Primary Care Mental Health, 2nd Edition (eds L Gask, T Kendrick, R Peveler, C Chew-Graham). Royal College of General Practitioners and Royal College of Psychiatrists

Campion J (2018) Public mental health – key challenges and opportunities. British Journal of Psychiatry International 15(3): 51-54.

Campion J, Knapp M (2018) The economic case for improved coverage of public mental health interventions. Lancet Psychiatry 5(2):103-105.

Shiers D, Panday S, Campion J (2017) Ten top tips to protect the physical health of patients experiencing psychosis. Royal College of General Practitioners.

Campion J, Hewitt J, Shiers D, Taylor D (2017) Pharmacy guidance on smoking and mental disorder. Royal College of Psychiatrists, National Pharmacy Association & Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

Campion J, Coombes C, Bhaduri N (2017) Mental health coverage in needs assessments and associated opportunities. Journal of Public Health 39(4):813-820.

Shiers D, Bradshaw T, Campion J (2015) Health inequalities and psychosis: time for action. British Journal of Psychiatry 207:471-473.

Bhugra D, Campion J, Ventriglio A, Bailey S (2015) The right to mental health and parity. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 57(2):117-121.

Zabeen S, Tsourtsos G, Campion J, Lawn S (2015) Type of unit and population served matters when implementing a smoke-free policy in mental health settings: Perceptions of unit managers across England. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 61(7):700-10.

Campion J, Fitch C (2015) Guidance for the commissioning of public mental health services (update of 2013 version). Joint Commissioning Panel for Mental Health

Lawn S, Feng Y, Tsourtos G, Campion J (2014) Mental health professionals’ perspectives on the implementation of smoke-free policies in psychiatric units across England. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 61(5):1-10.

Shiers D, Campion J, Jones P, Taylor D (2014) Early intervention in psychosis – keeping the body in mind. Royal College of General Practitioners & Royal College of Psychiatrists. 

Campion J, Shiers D, Britton J, Gilbody S, Bradshaw T (2014). Primary care guidance on smoking and mental disorders – 2014 update. Royal College of General Practitioners & Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Campion (2013) Ten questions for your council. The Mental Health Challenge.

Lawn S, Campion J (2013) Achieving smoke-free mental health services: Lessons from the past decade of implementation research. Int J Environ Res Public Health 10:4224-4244.

Campion J, Bhugra D, Bailey S, Marmot M (2013) Inequality and mental disorder: opportunities for action. The Lancet 382:183-184.

Campion J (2013) Public mental health: The local tangibles. The Psychiatrist 37:238-243.

Campion J (2013) Public mental health commissioning guidance: embedding mental health in local public health work. Perspectives in Public Health 133:87.

Campion J (2013) Smoking and mental disorder. Expert paper 7. NICE guidance on smoking cessation acute, maternity and mental health service. NICE.

Campion J, Bhui K, Bhugra D (2012) European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance on prevention of mental disorder. European Psychiatry 27:68-80.

Bailey S, Campion J (2012) A child benefit. Public Service Review. European Union. 23.

McManus S, Meltzer H, Campion J (2010) Cigarette smoking and mental health in England. Data from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. National Centre for Social Research.

Lawn S, Campion (2010) Factors associated with success of smoke-free initiatives in Australian psychiatric inpatient units. Psychiatric Services 61(3):300-305.

Campion J, Rocco S (2009) Minding the mind: The effects and potential of a school-based meditation programme for mental health promotion. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 2(1):47-55.

Lawn S, Campion J (2008) Smoke-free initiatives in psychiatric inpatient units: A national survey of Australian sites. Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. ISBN 1 920966 16 1.

Campion J, Checinski K, Nurse J, McNeill A (2008) Smoking by people with mental illness and benefits of smoke-free mental health services. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 14:217-228.

Campion J, Checinski K, Nurse J (2008) Review of smoking cessation treatments for people with mental illness. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 14:208-216.

Campion J, Lawn S, Brownlie A, Hunter E, Gynther B, Pols R (2008) Implementing smoke-free policies in mental health units: Learning from unsuccessful experience. Australasian Psychiatry 16:92-97.

Campion J, Hunter E, Scalicky J (2007) Improving mental health skills of health workers in Indigenous communities in Northern Queensland. Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal 31(6):12-15.

Hunter E, Travers H, Gibson J, Campion J (2007) Bridging the triple divide: Performance and innovative multimedia in the service of behavioural health change in remote Indigenous settings. Australasian Psychiatry 15:44-48.

Campion J, Nurse J (2007) A dynamic model of wellbeing. Australasian Psychiatry 15:24-28.

Campion J, Checinski K, McNeill A (2006) Exempting mental health units from smoke-free laws. British Medical Journal 333:407-8.

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