How our service can help you
The Lambeth Mental Health Support in Schools Team (MHST) offers early intervention support to children and young people who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health issues between the ages of 5 to 18 years old.
We can help with issues such as exam stress, behaviours that challenge, low mood, anxiety, and friendship issues. We can also help those with more severe needs to access the right support.
Our team of Education Mental Health Practitioners and senior clinicians offer guided self-help over several sessions for anxiety, low-mood, or behaviours that challenge. This can be face to face, telephone or online.
- Service Borough Covers: Lambeth Treatment type: Community
Contact the service
Site Location: William Geoffrey House Known As: Lambeth MHST Email: Phone Number: 020 3228 7370 -
Disabled Access:
Step free access at the side of the building
Therapy rooms available on the ground floor
Accessible toilet on the ground floor -
35 Black Prince Road
Kennington,London, SE11 6JJ - Business Hours/Visiting Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
- Conditions: Anxiety, Conduct disorder, Depression, Low mood, Self-harm
Other essential information
We are based in the following schools in Lambeth:
North Hub
Lilian Baylis Technology School
323 Kennington Lane
SE11 5Q
Central Hub
St John’s Angell Town Primary School
85 Angell Road