Estia Centre Training Calendar

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Training Programme Calendar

Estia Training Programme Calendar

Module 3 - PBS Awareness for Team Leaders



  • To provide participants with an introduction to the principles of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and its application in care settings.

Please click here to be directed to the course page on our website and to book your place.

How to use the Estia Centre Training Calendar

How to use the Estia Centre Training Calendar

We have created the above training calendar so that you can plan your training activities for the months ahead.  Please click through each month to find out what we have on offer.

Our training programmes are grouped into three modules or tiers of learning.

Module 1 - Introductory and Refresher programmes are for newly recruited employees or for more experienced staff who are seeking to refresh their knowledge and understanding of the care and support of adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.

Module 2 - Advanced and Specialist (City & Guilds Assured) programmes are for more experienced staff. Our City & Guilds Assured programmes provide an in-depth exploration of specialist topic areas relating to the care and support of adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults. Find out more about our City & Guilds Assured programmes.

Module 3 - Supervisory and Senior programmes are for team leaders, supervisors and managers of teams who support adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.

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