Estia Blog Posts
Multiple morbidity across the lifespan in people with Down Syndrome

Multiple morbidity across the lifespan in people with Down Syndrome or intellectual disability: Population-based cohort study using electronic health records
Read Multiple morbidity across the lifespan in people with Down Syndrome…Resilient leadership - a bedrock on which teams are developed

What is in your leadership toolbox?
Resilient leaders can sustain their energy levels under pressure and are able to cope and adapt to disruptive changes. The concept of leadership, resilience, emotional intelligence, mindset, stress, and wellbeing are interconnected and often referenced in the field of leadership training. They explore individual and group dynamics to help answer questions on how best to leverage benchmarks such as performance, productivity, and staff wellbeing. This blog touches on these concepts to help you understand their connections and how they can be applied to develop functional teams.
Read Resilient leadership - a bedrock on which teams are developed…World Autism Week – have we moved from Awareness to Acceptance?

World Autism Acceptance Week took place from 27 March to 2 April and SLaM, alongside autistic people and supporters all around the world, arranged a number of events to mark this week. Only two years ago, we were marking Autism Awareness Week. What led to the move from Awareness to Acceptance – and are we moving to a position of more acceptance of autistic people using SLaM services?
Read World Autism Week – have we moved from Awareness to Acceptance?…Moving from asking me, to asking my child – a bit of a journey

The suggestion that it wouldn’t always be me talking about my child to professionals was raised a few years ago, during a conversation with Health. “We couldn’t be discussing this with you if he was 16,” they said. At the time I was confused, disgruntled – he wasn’t yet 16, why make the point? I just wanted to find out the next steps to appeal a referral they’d turned down.
Read Moving from asking me, to asking my child – a bit of a journey…Involvement in the Autism Strategy

I found out about the opportunity to contribute to the Strategy through the Parent Forum linked to my child’s treatment at SlaM. Although I am an autistic adult, I joined as a parent of an autistic child who had received treatment through the Trust.
Read Involvement in the Autism Strategy…